My Day

What time do you normally get up to go to school?

What do you normally have for breakfast?

I drink  chocolate milk and eat different foods.
How do you get to school?

The bus!

A typical lunch at school

I bring my lunch to school.  I mostly eat  pizza.

Technology in your school.

Computers and smartboards.
What do you do at break times? Games, activities etc

At recess we play.
Do you have to wear uniform?

What do you enjoy most about school?
I like art class.

Fun Places

Here is my post for Week Two.


5 Places I Like

Click Above to Listen

A father’s note:  I helped Arianna record her post with GarageBand and showed her how to upload files to Edublogs.  The ideas are all her own.  The audio quality is a bit off, we used the internal microphone on the Macbook instead of the snowflake microphone we usually use.